When dealing with sales objections, the first thing you need to understand is that an objection is how a buyer communicates that a gap exists between their current situation and the clarity of the problem to be resolved before proceeding to buy. Understanding what Sales Objections are. So, a sales objection is communicated by a buyer that a barrier exists between the status quo and what needs to be satisfied before making a commitment to buy from you. Unlike concerns (examples include delivery or schedules), an objection arises because the buyer is not convinced or even predisposed, at this time, that your product or service can solve their problems. Remember that buying is a “change management project” so they will have a reluctance towards your offering, as they understand it. An objection is raised as a barrier to a purchase being made due to change, the size of change or the impact that change will have on them and their business. Due to the fact that you as a salesperson, need to highlight pain, the cost of inaction and bring attention to unconsidered needs, sales objections must be viewed as a natural and necessary part of your sales process. Knowing that objections will arise allows you to plan even pre-empt for them. You can create a process for handling them, learn the discipline to show understanding and empathy while acquiring the sales skill to control your emotions as you dig deeper into the root cause of the objection. The important thing for you to know is that all of these skills can be learned and developed. Tip 1. The best way to handle objections is not to create any. You can often create objections because you make assumptions, suggestions or comments which have no relevance to the buyer. You may also to be too quick to offer solutions which are unsuitable, impractical, or inappropriate. By truly following your sales process, having meaningful conversations that undertake a proper diagnosis to see if a problem exists and refrain from drawing conclusions before this has been achieved, you are unlikely to say the wrong thing and create objections. At any time if you are unsure of your customer’s situation, ask and clarify before suggesting anything. In this way you will minimize objections, because fewer will be created. Tip 2. Maintain a Running List of Buyer Objections. You will most certainly encounter lots of similar questions or concerns across your sales conversations. Group them into a running list of sales objections. Each time you hear a new one, add it to your list. Then write out your response to that objection and practice the dialogue exchange as you answer it. I recommend that you write out a couple of variations on the responses so that you are prepared for a buyer who needs a higher level of comfort. Tip 3. View Objections as Opportunities. As you now understand that sales objections are when buyers believe that there is a gap between their current situation and the motivation to change it now. Yes, handling these objections will require you to master this skill so you need to invest in learning the various techniques. Your sales mindset should always view objections as an opportunity to get commitments from the buyer that you can close this gap and in so progress towards an agreement. Any time the buyer raises a flag is your chance to establish and build credibility with them. The more credibility you build, the further over you will go towards securing the deal. Sales Objections are NUT$. Whether it is digital selling or traditional selling, most objections can be grouped into four types: Need: Lack of need as buyer does not yet accept, or does not admit, the need to solve a problem Urgency: Lack of Urgency as the Buyer does not yet see the impact and value of your solution Trust: Lack of Trust as Buyer feels uncertainty about you, your solution, or your company $: Lack of Money: Buyer tells you that there is no budget for your solution Managing Objections. OK, you now know that the four types of objections are not stumbling blocks but an integral part of your sales process. In an ideal world, you would never get any. By not creating objections and pre-handling the ones that may arise, you can minimize the number of objections occurring. However, there will always be times when you have to respond to any objection. If and when the buyer brings up a sales objection, do not panic, stay in control, pause and breath, keep your voice confident (as if you get these questions all the time), nod to show your understanding and then deploy the following four-step process for overcoming objections. These steps will work for you in most sales objections. The personalized and specific response to the buyers question will vary depending on which of the four objection types you are responding to.  The 4 step Sales Objections Handling Process. Listen Understand Respond Confirm Step 1: Listen Fully to the Objection Your first reaction when you hear sales objections may be to jump right in and respond immediately. Resist this temptation. When you react too quickly, you risk making assumptions about the objection. Instead, take the time to listen to the objection fully. Guidelines Do not react defensively. Train yourself to ignore any negative emotions you might be feeling. Stay focused on what your client is saying and the business challenge you are helping to solve. Emotions are natural, but you cannot let them interfere with your buyer interactions. Take a deep breath. Don’t allow yourself to sigh or tighten up. Keep breathing and stay focused. Listen actively. Listen with the intent of fully understanding the buyer’s concerns without bias or anticipation. Allow your body language and verbal confirmations to communicate to the buyer that you are listening intently. Step 2: Understand the Objection Completely Many objections hide underlying issues that the buyer can’t or isn’t ready to articulate. OftenSales Objections And How To Overcome Them