Course: Sales Skills 101 For Sales Trainers
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Sales Skills 101 Free Sample

Welcome to the Sales Skills 101 sales training program. from the digital sales institute.

The reality is that selling is not getting easier. We all accept that the digital era has demanded a shift in the way we sell, from the hard-to-reach buyer to the challenges of remote selling. Even a small sale can have multiple decision-makers and an extended sales cycle. We seem to have more questions than answers.

That is why you should know your ROSE.  Return On Sales Effort.



In the new VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world that we live in, there are new rules that will reshape many of the components of selling, from prospecting to lead qualification to closing and relationship management. Your sales success is likely to come from figuring out which businesses would understand your product or service and recognize the most value in using it. So, can I suggest that it is time to change? You must be trained to think and act with agility. To help you understand what experience the buyer is seeking. To coach you on how to walk in your customers shoes. To have the sales skill to subtly promote the merits of your solutions. The ability to show your clients a clear outcome and a better future. To become more competent and confident in every aspect of your selling activity. So, if you are ready to explore new sales skills and build on your current experience, then this sales training program will help you to be more successful.

What does selling mean today? As a salesperson, you know that selling is an exchange of one product or service for something else in return (usually money). The key is streamlining this sales process so that your efforts result in higher sales numbers and higher returns on your time investment. Selling is successfully influencing the buying decision of the client in your favor.


“Selling success is contingent upon the skills of the salesperson, not the attitude of the customer.”

Selling is all around us. The goal of any business is to generate profits that will lead them to success. The way to do this is to convert interest from respective audiences into sales. To sum it up, this explains why we need to understand what is selling. Every business has to acquire, develop, and maintain customers at a profit. For this to happen, the sales effort must work to turn a potential buyer’s interest into a closed sale.
