Social Selling Tips Social selling tips in video format to help you improve your efforts in using the social networks to engage customers. When it comes to sales prospecting and lead generation, sales people are finding that the road to success is utilizing social media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, Snapchat plus other niche social networks to create awareness and to connect with influencers, buyers and decision makers. This is why social selling along with digital selling has become one of the dominant tactics to find and engage with new prospects. Well trained sales people are now using social media to provide value to customers and prospects by contributing to conversations, sharing knowledge, , replying to comments and off course sharing quality content. They map the buyers journey and the digitally influenced buying process, from awareness to consideration to decision, engaging and nurturing the prospect until they are ready to have a sales discussion. Social Selling Tips Video The life of every sales person is changing rapidly. The whole sales process and buyers journey has evolved more in the past five to ten years than it did in the previous century. Whether its B2B or B2C, people are turning to the social channels to self educate as trust in the more traditional sales methods decline. This shift has left lots of sales people in difficult positions. Their once star sales tactics are becoming increasingly less effective, so as the old saying goes, its adapt or die. This is why we hope you find these social selling tips helpful. The modern sales process is about focusing on building deep relationships with people, not just trying to sell a product to them. More social selling tips would include the fact that sales is now about engagement, building trust and earning the right to sell by giving first. Also you need to be consistent with your social media activity, similar to a gym, short bursts will have limited effect. Some salespeople just do random acts of social, spending a few days all over their social media channels and then they don’t do any activity for a week or two. Like most habits in life, the best results come from regular consistent and persistent activity. This is why social selling can seem fruitless, so we put together these social selling tips in a video for you. Every sales tasks takes work, there is no magic instant formula. Nurturing relationships through the social networks can be time consuming. As you spend time trying to engage buyers leveraging social networks, you may think maybe cold calling wasn’t that bad. After all, you just picked up the phone and it was quick. Maybe not so easy. And once upon a time it was relatively successful.  However the numbers show it’s not anyways effectively today. Less than 1% of cold calls to a prospect results in any type of follow up interaction plus 90% of B2B decision makers never actually respond to a cold sales outreach. But let’s get real, ever business needs to acquire new customers, so sales prospecting is a key sales task if a business is to achieve revenue targets. But that doesn’t mean you need to panic at the notion of having to get sales training to become skilled at social selling. With a bit of time and planning, you can boost your social selling skills in no time. So enjoy this social selling tips and tricks video to help you more effectively engage your buyers. When you feel ready to move from dabbling in social media to engage buyers towards becoming skilled in digital selling, feel free to check out The Digital Sales Institute  “social selling training“, a business school standard course which is online for you 24/7, learn practical techniques at your own pace, understand the tactics that can grow your social reach and is full of tips you can implement straight away. In no time at all, our social selling tips module will have you using the 6C’c of Social Selling to engage relevant, interested buyers that you can progress to offline sales discussions and meetings for deeper interactions. We hope you enjoy these social selling tips.  You might also like to view our post, Guide to effective sales prospecting.