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Sales Tips Video To Inspire Performance

Sales Tips Video To Inspire Performance

A sales tips video containing eight great tips to inspire sales performance. In the sales process, what is it that separates average salespeople from great salespeople?. Is it attitude, habits, ability or is it something else deeper in their personality. No matter what amount of sales training they are given, we do know one thing and that is salespeople have one of the most demanding jobs in the world. They have to constantly produce results while dealing with rejection almost on a daily basis.  We also know that great salespeople are Persistent and Consistent. They know that engaging buyers is about getting through call after call, sales meeting after meeting, constantly nurturing relationships, having social interactions, sending email after email, and hearing  ‘no thanks ’ after ‘no thanks’.

Ask anyone in a sales role and they will tell you that they love it but at times they loath it. For the days when the going gets tough or you just need that bit of inspiration, we’ve put together this sales tips video with eight motivational selling tips to bring you some motivation.

As the influence of social media grows, the buyer’s journey will change not just whole sales models but how we sell. The whole concept of Sales 2.0 as a sales technique has been around for going on a decade but still many salespeople struggle to embrace it. When it comes to B2B selling, then research firm Forester projects that over the next four years, 1 million B2B sales people will be replaced by buyers using self-service e-commerce. Those of us that want to have a long term career in sales will have to learn new selling techniques, re-tune our understanding of what sales and sales training means, while moving away from the more traditional forms of buyer engagement. The sales industry as a whole will have to embrace new sales models along with a sales process that really strives to add value to the buyer first and seeks to sell second.

The fundamental aspects of sales will probably stay the same, however the tools and techniques that you will use are in a constant flux of change. Much like any profession, every salesperson who wants a long term career need to stay on top of these changes. These include understanding the digitally influenced buyers journey, how they are self-educating, the rise of social media on buying decisions and the rapidly changing values as a whole new generation of buyers assume leadership positions.


The biggest sales tips would include the fact that salespeople can never stop learning and growing. But that’s not really a challenge if you’re constantly dipping into sales training and then developing your skills with what you learn. Never fall into the bad sales habit of just giving the same old vanilla flavored sales pitch to the same prospects day after day. Always be on the lookout for new tactics, acquiring new sales skills that keep stretching yourself in new ways.

All we hope for, is that after watching this sales tips video, it might give you the jolt to seek out other tips that help you improve your selling skills. You may also like our Sales Prospecting Tips.

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