Online sales training courses

Online Sales Training Course

An online sales training course should be created to meet the expectations of both the beginner and the more experienced salesperson. Every professional salesperson understands that they need to build relationships with sets of buyers or customers, which over time leads to sales. They also know that selling is an ever evolving profession where access to a constant set of sales training materials and videos is vital to their continued success. The Digital Sales Institute, offers a number of online sales training programs where any salesperson can learn to open, nurture, build and sustain meaningful relationships that profits both parties. 

In the self-educating, digital era, we know buyers and customers can have completed most of the buying process without ever engaging or talking to a salesperson. In fact, due to the ability to easily gather research online and the openness of SaaS models, a buyer can compare and complete a purchase without ever interacting with salespeople. The point is that the time to rethink the impact of the more traditional sales tactics is now, as many of these do not simply work any longer. The change in the buyers journey, remote working, digital channels and the knock on effect to the sales process means salespeople need to transform their sales training and techniques for the digital age.

Any good online sales training course will blend the tried, tested and still relevant sales skills with modern sales techniques that are proven to get the tech savvy buyer to listen.  Improving ones sales skills or even learning to sell better means adapting to changing buyer habits. We now know that nothing has changed the sales process more dramatically in recent times than the remote or hard to reach customer plus the rise of social media and digital channels. The Digital Sales Institute Sales Skills 101 online sales course has been specifically designed to help any salesperson to bridge the skills gap, adapt a sellers mindset and take a more rewarding approach to the critical role of selling.

All the online sales training programs are divided into modules and separate lesson topics to allow salespeople to target the specific sales area they wish to improve, a sales training course complete with lessons that have been developed by industry experts. A range of sales training programs that includes video driven lessons covering sales prospecting, closing deals faster, creating and building trusting relationships, coping with the uncomfortable and overcoming hurdles or objections. The Digital Sales Institute online sales training course is self-paced, available 24/7 with lesson downloads and exercises. Which means the yearly subscription allows the salesperson to start, re-watch and pick up again wherever they left off previously. The learning outcomes of the sales training courses will show the knowledge hungry salesperson how to:

Develop a higher level of competence and confidence in the fundamentals of sales

Open meaningful sales conversations

Building credibility when it comes to managing professional relationships

Overcome buyer roadblocks and deliver powerful presentations

Understand the psychology of selling and buying

Research potential targets, buyer personas and how to use data

Techniques for digital selling to the modern buyer

The goal of any training course is for the learner to build modern sales skills and gain the fundamental knowledge necessary for sales success in the digital era. This is delivered through a series of video based online training lessons. The online sales training course participants will acquire the selling skills to do meaningful research, gather market and client intelligence, select who to target. Plus, how to open a sales conversation, understand the buyer whys, ask great discovery questions, develop relationships across a broad range of buyer personas. Then learn how to propose personalized solutions that addresses the pain points or business challenges of the customers they interact with.

Online sales skills learning should be fun, engaging, relevant, updated and most of all – affordable.