Online sales training courses

How to write effective sales scripts

Sales scripts can play an important part when it comes to a business generating leads or in customer acquisition. These leads when nurtured properly can over time be converted into sales. Sales organizations hire lead-generation experts to engage and attract audiences via their sales scripts. Lead generation involves the use of multiple techniques like cold calling, social selling, email outreach, and social media ad campaigns.

All of these techniques require a solid sales script or even a number of sales scripts that stimulates the viewer to take some action. The old methods of lead generation are nearly extinct, old sales techniques of the “spray and pray” phone calls are gone. To engage buyers today requires more than making call after call using plagiarized and even boring sales scripts. Lead generation is now both art and science. The use of data, research, customer profiling, market intelligence and value propositions are blended into sales scripts to drive up the return on sales effort.

This takes resourcing, planning plus a lot of time and effort. Otherwise, you just end up facing rejection and no response. One of the roles of sales training today is to find some new ways to revamp he sales scripts that really do drive customer engagement in the sales process.


What are Sales Scripts?

Sales scripts are a combination of value propositions, predetermined questions, answers, situations, and facts that guides a salesperson to talk confidently and allow for flexibility according to the customers response. A sales script should not be taken as fixed rules or checkpoints but it should be considered as a flexible guide to deal with the points that arise during a sales conversation.

If you still using a vanilla flavored worn out sales scripts that are not delivering with generating leads then stay tuned We will guide you to create sale scripts that align to the modern sales process.

Tips to Write Effective Sales Scripts

Here are a few effective and powerful tips when it comes to writing sales scripts. Follow the tips below to maximize your lead generation efforts using sales scripts.

Ø  Identify Your Niche First

You should be clear and focused about the products you are attempting to sell to whom. Ask yourself, why would this product or service be of interest to a prospect, what is the value proposition and why will they listen? You need to be focused on the pain your potential customer may have, and not just a product sales pitch. While talking to a customer jumping from solution to solution or product to product can make you ambiguous or that you are more interested in selling rather than understanding.

Be confident and have valid reasons for your approach to the customer, what information or insights will be of interest to them. Do not confuse yourself and the prospect with unclear or irrelevant  questions. Every and all sales scripts should support your value, proof and understanding of the circumstances that your potential customer may be experiencing.

Ø  Pay Attention to Your Audience

Different products are used by different people in different markets. Hence, any sales script needs to be personalized to that specific audience. You can tailor the script according to your potential customer’s industry or challenges you have uncovered during research. This can be done by conducting online and social media research or even talking to customers in the same market to know their issues. Try to put yourself in the working day of the person you intend to call, list out the problems they could be facing as a company or as an employee on practical grounds. This will enable you to create questions and value points for your sales script.

Ø  Map the Benefits

Always sell solutions to pain points, then benefits before features. Mentioning how you solve pain points and resolve issues in your sales script is a powerful wat to catch the any customers attention. By providing proof, insights and useful information you can make a real connection and build rapport. You do not need to mention all the benefits in your sales script. Just map the potential pain points or challenges to the main benefits of your product or services. You can tell them the secondary benefits after selling the solution to their pains as a way to reinforce your value to the customer. Make sure your solution is productive, decreases their headache, reduces hassle and takes cost out of the business. Your sales script should have at least one value proposition, one impact statement, three to five discovery questions and four benefits that generate interest. Watch this free sales training video.

Ø  Connect the Benefits with Consumer Problems

By uncovering pain, you uncover the cost of inaction with the customer, this leads to solutions and solutions leads to benefits of your proposal. Once the solution has been identified with you, connect them back to the agreed customer’s pain points and get commitment that the solution resolves their pain. You need to reinforce the cost of inaction and gives reason to act, reasons that clicks in the customer’s mind and compels them to take action – now. You should be able to sum up the key points that you gathered from niche and audience research earlier on. Point out their pain points along with providing them the solutions via your product or service.

For Example:

If your service is online paraphrasing. How will you connect its benefits with people’s pain points? Let’s see!

Do you lack sales vocabulary to generate sales scripts? Don’t worry something like an online paraphrasing can make it easier. By using AI and NLP, it can regenerate plagiarism-free content for you within seconds. It can save your time of rephrasing manually. Moreover, it is free, accurate, and fast.

Ø  Don’t Talk Too Much and End Up On Something

Learn “the talk to listen ratio” for a successful sales call, telling is not selling on a sales call.  Take pauses during the sales conversation, ask insightful discovery questions and let the potential customer think or respond. Your sales scripts should not look like a prepared speeches. They should consist of well thought out questions, interesting facts, data, and reasons for the customer to listen. Try to listen for sixty percent of the time and don’t speak for more than forty percent. Answer all questions from the potential customers confidently and expertly.  Can your sales script generate AHA moments where the customer responds positively to your communication.

End up on something

The goal of every sales conversation is to move to the next step in the sales process, it should not be terminated without some conclusion. The customer can either accept or reject what you are offering depend on factors such as relevancy, your proposition, uncovering pain and accepting that not acting will cost them. Sales conversations should not end up like this; I will call back soon when will you have time to discuss it? It should be YES/NO from the customer side.


Final Words on Sales Scripts

The use of sales scripts is not any guarantee of sales success, however it does give a map, a guide and a template personalized to a customer set or market segment. The old sales tactics of annoying people by randomly calling them does not work!!. If you fail to understand the challenges or pain points of your customer, do not bring insights or value then you have little chance of engaging them successfully.

Therefore, implement the above-mentioned tried and tested ways to write an effective sales script to support your sales training lead generation. Hope you have found this post useful.