Online sales training courses

B2B Sales Training Video Examples

A free series of B2B sales training video examples to help any business or salesperson improve their sales knowledge. We know that salespeople need regular access to sales training and there are a lot of options available online. But before you hand over any more of your hard-earned revenue on sales training, check out these free sales training videos.

To help you find the right ones, we have selected a range of sales topics to create a list of B2B to sales training video example. Learning new sales skills is a source of great accomplishment, and that feeling of accomplishing something is one of the best motivators anyone of us can have.
But sales training does not have to be expensive, The Digital Sales Institute brings a better model of learning for salespeople to learn the critical selling skills needed to be successful. A whole series of bite sized, easy to digest sales training videos, worksheets, tips and tricks and quizzes.

B2B Sales Training Video – Selling Definition

Selling is crucial to business success but is often a task that many new salespeople are unprepared for. Fortunately, sales and the various selling skills can be learned plus being able to sell can be done without being aggressive or having a degree in business. Here are a few traits and skills needed to be a successful salesperson:

In one of our B2B sales training video lessons on our Sales Skills 101 online sales training program we cover why the most successful salespeople have the ability to build long-term relationships with customers. They think long-term about how they can leverage the current sale into more business in the future from the same customer or with referrals.

Another video in our training modules covers active listening skills. The old sales method of attempting to talk the prospective customer into buying without finding out what the customer actually wants is long gone. Customers buy solutions or things that make them feel good. You can’t do that if you don’t know what the customer needs or wants.

Experienced salespeople understand that tenacity plays a big part in selling successfully. They know that it takes patience and probably several interactions over a period of time to make a sale, so they never give up on a qualified customer. Instead, they have a follow-up system to stay in touch with prospects or customers. They use their sales oar to keep themselves focused on the prize.

The ability to self-motivate is another important life skill. Successful salespeople have a high level of initiative and constantly look for new opportunities to learn or explore. They always view setbacks as learning experiences. They hold themselves accountable for their performance and don’t blame others or the current market conditions for lack of success.

The Status Quo Remains One of the Biggest Challenges in Selling
The reason: implementing a new solution always presents more short-term challenges than the vision of a future state. If change causes buying, then buying requires the customer to undertake a “change management project”. However, the customer’s preference for the status quo is more complex than avoiding short-term hurdles. Researchers at Cornell University and the University of Chicago have learned that a phenomenon called “sudden-death aversion” explains why the status quo is so immovable. In our online sales training programs, we go into depth across a number of our B2B sales training video lessons on how to overcome the dreaded status quo (I’m alright/not right now) scenario.

You may be interested in learning, that research discovered that buyers choose a “slow” option that avoids the short-term risk at the cost of lesser odds of future success when it came to making decisions. Buyers tend to choose to avoid short-term risks even if doing so puts them on a path to losing. Avoiding short-term risk is logical. The problem, however, is that this avoidance is so strong that buyers often choose an option with lower odds of success because it puts the risk of failure further down the road.

A change management project like switching, implementation, hassle, and adoption root customers to the status quo, a choice that avoids these responsibilities but ultimately leaves them in a less-than optimal position. This pattern of thought leads customers to the sense that they are “tempting fate” and taking a risk that doesn’t need to be taken. Unfortunately, this thinking leaves customers anchored to the status quo. It also leaves sales professionals with a roadblock to overcome.

Every buying decision large or small has consequences in the future.” In B2B buying and selling situations they are more and more stakeholders involved with the buying process, meaning it can drag the “slow” option even more, which is adding more complexity and time to many sales.

Mind the Sales Gap
At the core of every sale, there’s a gap. It’s a gap between what buyers have now (status quo) and what they believe they want in the future, between who they are now and who they want to be tomorrow, or even where they are now and where they want to go.

Remember one of the basic rules of selling – No problem or no pain equals zero chance of a sale. Problems get you to the impact and the impact is where urgency, value, and need live and where the sale takes root. In every sale there’s a gap. Never sell to need. If you only solve the problem your buyer thinks they have instead of the one they really have, you haven’t helped them at all.

Gap selling is a process of tactfully challenging buyers’ assumptions, exposing (and sometimes confirming) the true size of their problem, then correctly assessing the impact it will have on their lives. All sales are about change. Customers buy because they’ve gotten uncomfortable and have identified something that will ease their discomfort.

Customers do like change when they feel it’s worth the cost

Any B2B sales training video will help you learn that sales happen when the future state is a better state. You can’t sell a future state (where your customer wants to be) unless you have a firm grasp on your customer’s current state (where your customer is now). Our most important role as a salesperson is to use our sales skills to help facilitate our prospective customer’s buying decision process.

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B2B sales training video